InnoQuarter Itzehoe is a growing innovation park with vacant building sites.

On Solid Ground – The Future Starts Here

A pioneering decision set the ball rolling at InnoQuarter Itzehoe: The Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology ISIT is moving to the greenfield site. With further settlements the InnoQuarter Itzehoe is created. Individual companies, which today play a pioneering role in their sectors, become an active network. They develop innovative solutions, create attractive jobs, and contribute to a sustainable infrastructure. Incidentally, our region has long been characterized by entrepreneurial spirit and creativity: During industrialization, Itzehoe proved to be an attractive location, so Alsen cement plants and the publishing house Gruner + Sohn (later Gruner + Jahr), for example, settled here. Today, Itzehoe plays an increasingly important role as a location for innovation in the fields of microelectronics and the energy transition. How a success story begins...

Start of the Establishment of the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology ISIT
Fraunhofer ISIT conducts pioneering research in the field of microelectronic solutions and services. Research at Fraunhofer ISIT focuses on power electronics, micro-manufacturing processes and MEMS applications.
Erstansiedlung bei Hamburg im InnoQuarter Itzehoe: das Fraunhofer-Institut für Siliziumtechnologie ISIT im Innovationspark.
Foundation of the Gesellschaft für Technologieförderung Itzehoe mbH (Society for Technology Promotion)
It promotes innovation and technology development in the region by supporting companies and research institutions. Planning and preparation for the IZET Innovationzentrum (Innovation Center) begins.
Die Gesellschaft für Technologieförderung Itzehoe mbH ist Vorreiter in Innovationsförderung.
Commissioning of the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology ISIT
Applied research and development in the field of semiconductor technology is carried out here. The clean room area of over 3,000 m² offers opportunities for cooperation with industrial partners.
Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Siliziumtechnologie ISIT forscht im Gewerbepark InnoQuarter Itzehoe in Laboren.
Inauguration of the IZET Innovationzentrum Itzehoe at Its Current Location
The IZET supports technology transfer, facilitates cooperation with educational institutions, and offers start-ups a space for business growth. In this way, the Innovation Center contributes to sustainable development and dynamism in the technology environment.
Im IZET Innovationszentrum Itzehoe in Schleswig-Holstein erhalten Start-Ups Förderung, freie Büros und Netzwerk.
Production Start of Vishay Siliconix (Founded as TEMIC Semiconductor Itzehoe GmbH) at the Itzehoe Site
Vishay Siliconix is a leader in the development of power semiconductor products that improve the efficiency of power management circuits in end products while reducing space requirements.
Vishay Siliconix in ihrem Labor im InnoQuarter Itzehoe. Forschung und Produktion sind hier im Innovationspark innovativ.
Commissioning of the Second Clean Room at Fraunhofer ISIT
The new four-storey cleanroom building at Fraunhofer ISIT comprises 1,500 m² of state-of-the-art cleanroom laboratories and offices for 44 employees. Industrial partner X-FAB MEMS Foundry Itzehoe is expanding its semiconductor production technology there.
Mit Ausgründungen und Neubauten wächst das InnoQuarter Itzehoe. X-FAB MEMS Foundry Itzehoe baut die Halbleiterproduktion aus.
Offices, measuring stations and functional rooms are being built in the three wings of the INNOVATORIUM building in the InnoQuarter Itzehoe, near the IZET Innovation Center. This year, four technology companies that were founded at IZET and are developing dynamically are moving into their own modern offices, laboratories and workshops for the first time.
Scale-Ups aus dem IZET finden im INNOVATORIUM Itzehoe Büros, Labore und Werkstätten im Gewerbegebiet bei Hamburg.
New Production Line from Vishay
Vishay begins construction of a new production line at InnoQuarter Itzehoe. After switching from 6-inch to 8-inch wafers in 2005, the company is now setting new standards with its innovative 12-inch wafers. The state-of-the-art semiconductor factory significantly increases Vishay's production capacity in the InnoQuarter. The investment volume in the first phase amounts to nearly 400 million euros.
Vishay investiert in einen Neubau. Freie Gewerbeflächen stehen in Itzehoe in der Metropolregion Hamburg zur Verfügung.
New Offices and Laboratories for TRIWALA
The IZET spin-off TRIWALA GmbH opens its own office and laboratory building in the InnoQuarter Itzehoe. TRIWALA is a service provider specializing in drinking water analysis and food diagnostics.
Im InnoQuarter Itzehoe erfolgreich werden: Neue Büros und Labore für TRIWALA im Gewerbegebiet.
The brand "InnoQuarter Itzehoe" is being established
Together with dedicated stakeholders from politics, business, and administration, we can not only give our innovation space a name but also establish a shared guiding principle. Under the identity of "InnoQuarter" Itzehoe, research, education, and business come together to create a strong ecosystem at the innovation hub of Itzehoe.
CustomCells is getting a new company headquarters
Twelve years after its founding, the team at CustomCells is opening its new company headquarters in Itzehoe. They have also integrated a research center for customized battery cells.
Our Vision: The Ecosystem Grows
InnoQuarter Itzehoe is increasingly developing into a campus for continuing education, first-class work and intensive exchange.
Our vision for InnoQuarter Itzehoe is clear: we are expanding our site to create space for further future-oriented partnerships in new commercial areas. The infrastructure is being expanded and we are cooperating intensively with educational institutions to ensure a sustainable increase in skilled workers.